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Loyalty Rewards

We're extremely grateful for the loyalty of our repeat customers. We've created special rewards as a way of saying thank you. Please create an account to make the most of them!

Create an account here

After you have registered your rewards can be found by clicking the bottom right hand pop-up labelled "Your Rewards" - with a nice present as the logo.

Once open you'll be prompted to log in. From here you'll be able to see your available points and rewards, as well as other things such as friend referral links.

How to earn points

Account Sign Up - 50 Points

Place Order Online - 2 Points for every £1 spent 

Leave Product Review - 20 Points

Like Us On Facebook - 20 Points

Share Our Page On Facebook - 10 Points 

Refer A Friend - 300 points (the friend gets 15% off their first order too!)

How to spend points

250 Points - £2.50 Coupon

350 Points - Free Shipping

500 Points - £5 Coupon

1000 Points - £10 Coupon 

To activate the points, go to the loyalty program tab again and select from a list of reward options. Choose which reward you'd like and the discount code will be available to copy online to input at checkout or available on email to use at a later date!

We're very excited to have you part of our loyal customer base and hope that our service and quality of product continues to suite your needs.

We will be adding new ways to earn and spend points on an ongoing basis so look out for more exciting rewards.


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