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Fully washed single origin Colombian with rich flavour notes of chocolate and caramel, perfect with milk. Excellent weather patterns influenced by the Colombian stretch of the Andes help to craft this incredible bean. 

Despite the smooth caramel flavours making Colombian seem better for cafetiere and espresso coffee, it actually works exceptionally well as V60 and Chemex as well. The Colombian is the most popular bean to drink at home amongst the staff!


Customer Reviews

Based on 202 reviews
24 24
Colombian beans

Great bean and delivered very quickly

Hollie Graham
Our favourite

Great tasting coffee! Our absolute favourite

David Parkin
A lovely coffee

A very nice smooth well rounded coffee. Fortuna and Darkside are our usual go to coffees but we thought we'd have a change and certainly not disappointed. Will certainly be buying again at some point in the future.

Michael Ward
Well worth trying.

You won’t be disappointed with this brew really very nice anytime of the day nice flavour not at all bitter just very smooth.Worth a punt.

Katie Walters
Bag was not sealed

Unfortunately my coffee order arrived covered in coffee grains. The Columbian was slightly open at the top (looks to me like manufacturing error not that someone has actually opened it). However the coffee does taste nice. I did not receive a reply from my email to customer services 8 days ago (I was also sent the wrong flavour coffee in my order) so will only give 3 stars.

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