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Hario V60 Drip Kettle, 01 Ceramic V60 and 100x Filter Papers Bundle

Hario V60 Drip Kettle, 01 Ceramic V60 and 100x Filter Papers Bundle

Regular price £63.50 Limited Offer

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Leigh-Anne Stradeski
Pour over Convert!

My son has been telling me how much better coffee is with fresh ground beans and using the pour over system so I decided to give it a go. Divine Coffee came up and since it's a Yorkshire company I decided to give it a go. I'm delighted with the pour over system and although I've only tried two of the coffees of the five in the starter pack they have both been really good. Delivery was speedy considering these crazy Covid times in which we live and customer service brill. So I am a convert to pour over and to Divine!

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