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A beautifully vibrant, fully washed coffee boasting fruity plum sweetness when brewed as a filter style coffee, and hints of orange citrus, when brewed as an espresso. Roasted to a medium roast level, to tame the natural acidity of the coffee, and bring out the rich sweetness and depth of flavours that Kenyan coffees are famed for!

 We are pleased to be able to bring this coffee to you to showcase the delightful flavours of coffee produced in the Kericho and Bomet regions in Southern Kenya.


Image by Lot 20 Coffee 


Produced and exported to us by our good friend Sidney at Lot 20 coffee, who we have enjoyed meeting when he visited us at our roastery! Lot 20 coffee is founded on a passion for cultivation, fair treatment of farmers, and transparent trade, and is made up of a 77-strong network of farmers and producers, who are committed to farming the best quality  coffee, and sustaining their production for the future.



Image by Lot 20 Coffee - About — Lot 20 Coffee


Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Kevin Porter

Fabulous coffee

Krzysztof Zajdel
Challenging to find the right settings.

Nothing wrong with the coffee.

Using Sage Barista Pro struggle to find the right settings to make the most of the coffee - it is a bitter or sour, and never right.
I did not have problem with Fortuna.

Suggestion to the Divine team: to bring prepped setting for each coffee to save the time and coffee 🫢🤔😊.

Anne Smyrl
Yet another good coffee

Had been getting the Ethiopian beans and our son recommended the Kenyan, lovely smooth rich coffee, just what we love, thank you divine coffee

Steve Pryor-Jones
Love this

This is a great weekend morning cup for me, great flavour and roast to just sit there and drink….makes me happy.

Daniel Colley

Powerful and great aroma

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