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Regular price £0.00 £8.50 Limited Offer


This coffee is decaffeinated using the 'Mountain Water Washed' process, a chemical free method that draws the caffeine away, whilst retaining the beautiful natural flavour profile of the region's coffee. The coffee is washed using the pure water from Pico de Orizaba, the highest mountain in Mexico, and gently steamed to naturally withdraw the caffeine out of the raw bean.

 Indulge in it's rich and bold flavours, grown on the slopes of Mexico, from smallholders of the Chiapas region.

You wouldn't even know it was decaf! So consider trying this coffee and see for yourself that there shouldn't be a compromise!

Roasted to a medium level to showcase notes of biscuits and cocoa.

Perfect for an after dinner, caffeine-free treat or any time of day if you're looking to cut down on the caffeine. Enjoyed with or without milk, however you like it!




Customer Reviews

Based on 235 reviews
Nigel Parker
Great coffee

I’ve had a few packs of this coffee now. It’s really good and without the caffeine. Would recommend it to anyone who prefers decaf


Having been told to cut down my caffeine consumption, I've reluctantly taken the plunge. I have to say other than as you would expect, the obvious lack of a caffeine hit with a double espresso, this coffee is excellent with a deep rounded flavour, and if you didn't know it was a decaf, you wouldn't spot the difference in the cup.

Someone from Leicester
Top Class Decaf

Having gone full decaf with my drinks I've been trying to find the good ones. This is one of, if not the best I have found so far. Deep, rich and chocolatey. It's a really, really nice drink. And as the sole coffee drinker in the house everyone else so appreciates its wonderful aroma too.

Anne Smyrl
Decaf coffee

Bought for my son as I just dont get decaf. He says it tastes good and h gets to sleep at night

Andrew Collins

I grind my own beans and use v60 pourover and this decaf is very good and rich tasting

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