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Spotlight on the caramel one... Colombian

Welcome back to our Spotlight series, where we are taking the time to introduce you more closely to our range of independently roasted coffees, all of which are small-batch roasted in Yorkshire to ensure ultimate freshness and a truly unique drinking experience. Today, we are looking closer at our caramel Colombian origin coffee…

Colombia is often hailed as the country which produces the finest coffee in the world, and our single origin coffee at Divine is no exception. With rich notes of chocolate and caramel and an unrivalled smoothness, it is the most popular bean among the Divine staff to drink. 

So, what makes Colombia such a coffee haven? Well, the coffee plant, whilst producing delicious beans, is a little bit of diva and has quite specific environmental preferences to grow at its optimum. It likes rainfall, but not too much. It likes shade, but just the right amount of sunlight. And it cannot under any circumstances fall below freezing when it comes to the temperature. Thankfully, Colombia is blessed with the perfect growing conditions.

This is largely helped by the world’s largest mountain range, the Andes. Known in the coffee world as the ‘Coffee Triangle’, coffee producers have been situated in the central region of the Andes since the beginning of the 19th Century. This mountain range separates the coast from the Amazon rainforest, creating exceptional and consistent rain and weather patterns, meaning coffee can be harvested all year round. It also means the soil is incredibly fertile, which helps create that rich, caramel flavour we have grown to love.

And it isn’t just the growing conditions. In Colombia, they are known for hand picking their coffee berries rather than using mechanical harvesting methods. Human hands are much better at checking which berries are ripe and which aren’t, which means each harvest is in the best condition it could be; always picked at the perfect moment for ultimate richness. 

Since Divine Coffee Roaster’s Colombian single origin is best enjoyed with milk, we would recommend brewing this coffee in a cafetiere. But if black coffee is more your thing, it works brilliantly as an espresso too. 

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